Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's a Desert Out There

Last weekend I got to do this again. I am so lucky!

Even better, this time my sister, Amber, ran with me. We, along with 10 other team members ran from Prescott to Mesa, Arizona...204 miles total! 20 some odd hours later, we crossed the finish line. Exhausting and exhilarating. Good combination.

Jon and my brother-in-law, Kyle, followed us on almost the whole course. Those of you who know me know that I am afraid of the dark. Seriously. I still sleep with the hall light on at night. So, I was very scared of my night leg. 7.5 miles beginning at 11 p.m. I should add that I was well equipped with a miner's light on my head and a reflector vest. Those things didn't make things any better. What did make it better was when my sweet husband jumped out of the car and ran with me for about a mile and a half. He doesn't run. I think he actually may have put his life on the line (okay, I am a little bit dramatic...but he is home sick today with an upper respiratory infection. Bummer.). Seriously though, it made the run go by so much faster and made me forget for a little bit that I was running in the dark. 

Anyway, that is a lame recap, but that was that. If you want to see how our team did, check out our team website here. We are gearing up for our next run from LA to Dana Point, California in April. I didn't think that I would sign up for it, but they caught me at a weak point...the finish line. That's when I will agree to run any race.


the heiner family said...

Man Jamie! You are a machine! If I only had that kind of endurance!
PS...I'm still scared of the dark too

Grace said...

Girl you are AMAZING!!!

Ashley said...

Wow great job! You are so busy!! These types of blogs make me feel I know nothing about your life! I definitely should have known you were doing this last weekend. I must need to ask more questions.

Lindsay said...

Wow Jamie! Good for you and your team. That's amazing. No wonder your so skinny. : ) So, you guys live out by Lone Mountain, right? We're looking at some houses up there and I was wondering if you could email me so I could ask you some q's about it. Thanks!

tammylovesscott said...

My daughters ROCK!!!! Great job!!

The Cattelain Family said...

Way to go Jamie! I don't think you could get me to run 7.5 miles in the light, so I'm very impressed you did it in the dark!

J.B. said...

A few corrections: It took us just over 30 hours (even more impressive if you ask me), and the next race is from Santa Barbara to Dana Point (also more impressive). Great job, James!!!

Cassondra said...

Jamie, you are AMAZING! Congratulations! You inspire me!

Jax said...

so awesome. i know i have that somewhere deep down inside, i hope it surfaces before i'm 40. i love the shot where you're poking your butt out and the guy in the white shirt is checkin' it out... "dang girl, that is what i'm talking about!" You can read it all over his face. (sorry if that's a relative, that would make this joke really weird)