Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Our Mr. Poort

Mr. Poort turned 2 today. Just a few minutes ago, actually. The love that I have for him can't be explained in words and so I won't try. I am obsessed.
He is a planes, trains and automobiles-type kid. Every night, in fact, he lines up a series of random trucks next to him in his bed, counts them, and then curls up for the night. When we drive in the car, he yells (screams sometimes), "Mom! Mom! Big Kruck!" and then gets a huge smile on his face.
Almost on a daily basis, Mr. Poort will grab the keys to my car and come find me. He usually has a backpack or some type of bag with him. He waves right in my face and says, "Bye Mom! I go to work. Be safe!" I usually just say, "Okay, Beck! Have a fun day!" but the other day I said, "But Beck...I will miss you!" and then proceeded to put the saddest expression on my face. To this, he dropped his backpack, grabbed my face with both hands and looked me in the eyes and said, "Don't worry Mom. Beckham will be okay."
It was a perfect moment.
He is sweet, funny, full of life, a little bit naughty (the 2's are going to be rough)...but he is my little guy and we love him so much.

His birth announcement picture

Meeting Chloe for the 1st time

7 months old...almost sitting by himself...

Really, we should just call him Old Blue Eyes

His 1-year old picture

Mr. Poort L.O.V.E.S. his trains. These are his 2-year old shots...all boy!


Becca said...

Those are very cute pictures!

Vanessa said...

Happy Birthday to Beckham. What a precious moment. Children really do know how to capture a mother's heart. And as always, great pictures!

The Cattelain Family said...

What a cutie! Happy Birthday Beckham!

McKeehan Family said...

Happy Birthday Beckham!!

Alysia said...

CUTE pictures. I can't believe that he is 2! wow where does time go?

Anderson's said...

those pictures are so cute!