Monday, February 23, 2009

Chloe is "Free!"

Happy Birthday to our sweet and funny light of our lives. Three years ago she made me a Mommy. My life has never been the same and I couldn't be happier about that! When we started talking about her birthday I asked her how old she was going to be. She told me "Free (Three), but can I just stay two?" I don't want her to get any older so I told her that she could stay two for as long as she wanted!
Happy Birthday Chloe Boe!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Happy Birthday...

Meghan!!! We hope that you have a fun day!!!

Silver Linings: My Pollyanna Post

Life has been crazy lately. Stressful even. I have really tried to look at the positive in situations and thought I would share a few:

Situation: Beckham, my sweet-sweet little boy, decided to use a pen and draw on my favorite couch...that just so happens to be white.

Silver lining: Beckham is one of the loves of my life. He brings so much excitement and laughter to my life. He is sweet and healthy. And, quite frankly, he could have used a Sharpie marker, right???
(By the way...The picture above is after I had cleaned off 1/2 of the mess. Did you know that hand sanitizer takes pen marks off of microfiber???)

Situation: I was in a car accident last week. It was my fault. I thought it was a 4-way stop. Ouch.

Silver Lining: My kids weren't with me. The person I hit was seriously a saint and I only hit her tire (she was driving an F-350...for those of you like me: that is a REALLY BIG truck). If I would have hit her a second before or a second after I did, there would have been major damage to her truck. There were no injuries.

Situation: Chloe's birthday party. I ordered all of the Fancy Nancy party stuff (i.e. plates, napkins, cups, pinata, goodie bags, decorations, etc.) from an online store. The store guaranteed that the stuff would be here in plenty of time for the party. The night before the party, I received an email from the company telling me that they had just mailed it out that evening. The store is in North Carolina. No chance of the items arriving in time for the party. My sweet husband went with me to 4 stores the night before the party in attempts to create a Fancy Nancy party with no Nancy.

Silver Lining: Come to find out, Chloe didn't seem to mind that Nancy didn't make an appearance. She and her friends didn't miss the Fancy Nancy plates, napkins and cups. And as I am typing this, I realize I didn't miss them either.

Situation: Losing to Chloe 14 times today.

Silver Lining: I got to play the Disney Princess Memory game with my sweet Chloe Boe 14 times.

I know that everything has a positive, it's just that sometimes I get so distracted that I don't even bother to see the good.

So here's to seeing the good in everything. Have a nice day!