Sunday, June 27, 2010

5 - 4 - 3!!!

Ava just turned 5 months old.
Chloe is 4 years old.
Beckham is 3 years old.
I thought it was fun enough to blog about.
I know. Corny.
Here is what we have been up to...

Miss Ava
She is the sweetest little baby and even though she is just 5 months old, she makes me baby hungry to have another one. She LOVES her thumb...
Here's the proof:

She is so laid back and sweet...or bi-polar...I'm not sure yet...because when she is hungry, she goes from 0 to 60 in about .3 seconds. So...we try to avoid hunger when at all possible.
Speaking of food...
She is now eating solids!!! (If you consider runny rice cereal and pureed veggis "solids"...)
Here's the proof:

She has discovered her toes. She grabs and sucks on any object in sight. She laughs straight from the gut. She loves the water (tub or pool). She still has the bluest eyes I have ever seen. She will sit and tell me the longest, most dramatic stories I have ever heard. I wish I could understand them.
Here are some more of my recent favorites of her...

And I found one of my most favorite outfits of Chloe's and it finally fits Ava...

chloe at 4 months
ava at 4 months

I tried to get Ava to grab her hat like Chloe did...apparently that was asking too much...
They are sisters, but not twins...

Mr. Beckham
He reminds us daily that he is "big boy 3"...
He doesn't even cave when I pretend to cry that he isn't my baby boy anymore. He basically tells me to get over it because he isn't a baby anymore.
He had a fun birthday week. Nana took him out on his special birthday date. They skipped going to Build a Bear like Chloe and Sadie did for their birthdays because, quite frankly, it would have been a big waste of time and money. He is so easy to please and so Nana took him to Target to get whatever he wanted and they lunched at the Target Icee and all.
We had a little family get together the night of his birthday, took him to Toy Story 3 the day after his birthday and then had some family and friends over for a water party the next day.
Life is good at 3.

Beck was mad that the wind blew out the candles...oh, and that his Mom dropped the cake on one of his friends...

Beck just finished his first soccer season. He had such a fun time. I think with the 24/7 World Cup coverage at our house, his excitement has grown even more. He is also convinced that when Jon goes to soccer on Wednesdays, that he is playing in the soccer games on t.v.
Jon wishes. Beckham also finished his first session of swimming lessons of the season. He can totally swim on his own. Thank goodness. When he runs out of breath, he rolls over onto his back and then rolls back onto his tummy to finish. It is really cute...AND safe.
Oh, and his favorite colors are orange and green.
That's all.

Naomi's Kindergarten Graduation

Miss Chloe
Chloe has had an eventful couple of months. She graduated from her 3 year old preschool class. She has LOVED her preschool and loves her teacher, Miss Julene, even more. Summer may be a little bit rough because she asks all of the time when preschool is going to start again. The graduation was so cute. The kids all held hands and walked into the room singing "You've Got a Friend in Me" from Toy Story. They said the pledge of allegiance, recited a poem, had an awards ceremony and then we watched a cute video of pictures from the year. Chloe looked so much younger just a few months ago. We ate cake and then went to McDonalds to celebrate.

Chloe also started swim lessons again. She is jumping in from the side of the pool and swimming to the wall all by herself. She also just discovered that swimming in the shallow end is the same as swimming in the deep end. Exciting stuff.
I also asked her if she wanted to play soccer or take dance class in the fall. She asked me if she took dance class, if she could dance on the big stage while lots of people watched. I said yes and she said, "well then dance, of course!"

I feel like my laundry only consists of towels and swimming suits lately. We all love it and I am spending so much play time with them. Jon has required that they swim in the pool at least once a day...he thinks its abusive otherwise. He brought home a news article that talked about kids being obese because they didn't have enough physical activity. Oh brother.


At the beginning of May, my Mom, Ava and I went to Chicago! I had a workshop that I was attending and so we decided to go a few days beforehand to hang out and shop. We were kind of celebrating.
I turned 30 this year and my Mom turned 40 this year...don't try to do the math...
We had so much fun! I can't even remember the last time I was able to pick out clothes and actually try them on in a dressing room. My shopping usually consists of me grabbing a bunch of stuff in various sizes, trying them on at home and then returning the ones that don't fit. We laughed and stayed up late and ordered room service. It was awesome. Thank you to my amazing inlaws for watching Chloe and Beckham while I was gone. I knew that my kids were being well taken care of and that is why I could relax and have a good time. You are the best!
We were so busy relaxing that we didn't take many pictures...

My good friend, Heather, took some pictures of me and Ava while at the workshop. I am so grateful for the gift of photography. Thank you, Heather!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

We Love Daddy Yes Sirree

Happy Father's Day

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Twos Are Over

Mr. Poort turned 3 yesterday.
When he woke up, I grabbed him and hugged him and said, "Happy Birthday, Beck!"
He said, "Mom, is it really my birthday today?"
(he has been anticipating it for the past couple of months and wanted to ensure that this time it was really the day...)
I told him that it was.
His eyes lit up and he said,
"The twos are over!"
He is so excited to be 3...

My favorites about him right now...
He L.O.V.E.S superheros...ANY and ALL of them. He even likes to wear his underwear backwards because all of the characters are on the "bum" of the underwear and he can't see them back there!

Whenever he asks a question, it is ALWAYS followed by "right?" i.e. "We are going to the store, right?" or "It is time for lunch, right?"

He loves to race up the stairs. He used to thrive on winning at the top of the stairs but now he prefers holding hands with his opponent so that they both win.

He is a really nice sharer (most of the time). If he has something that Chloe wants, he usually gives it to her, even if he really wants it.
He gives the best hugs...seriously. He has to have a running start to hug someone. He will back up and run, full-force, into your arms and squeeze.
He is probably the funniest person I know. And what is funniest, is that he knows that he is being funny. I imagine that is what Jon was like at Beckham's age. He loves to make people laugh and smile.

When people ask him how old he is, he holds up 3 fingers and tells them in one breath, "I am 3 and now I can go to preschool and Fun Friday just like Chloe!"

Anytime he is hungry or thirsty, he will approach me and act like he is on the brink of death and as soon as he eats or drinks something, he turns into Popeye and his muscles miraculously enlarge and he is "as strong as Daddy."

He is THE CUTEST little guy that I know and I love him to pieces!