Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas Eve

This year, we had all of my siblings in town for Christmas! It was SO MUCH FUN! Weston just got back from serving a 2-year mission for our church in October and so it had been a long time since we had all been together for a major holiday (Halloween didn't count!). For Christmas Eve, we ate the best chili ever. (I will post the recipe later!).

For as long as I can remember, my Mom has ALWAYS made clam chowder on Christmas Eve. It was a family tradition. Her Mom used to do the same when my Mom was growing up. Tradition. Hmmm.

Well, last year, we had Christmas at a cabin up in Duck Creek. My grandparents from both sides came up to celebrate. On Christmas Eve, I decided to make chili. When we all sat down to eat everyone, including my Clam Chowder Making Grandma, ate the chili. I asked her why she wasn't having the clam chowder and she whispered, "I don't like clam chowder."

Everyone laughed and that ended that tradition and began a new one...chili. Anyway, after the chili, we made sugar cookies for Santa and washed carrots for the reindeer. We gathered around the Christmas tree and opened our secret Santa gifts.

The kids opened the traditional Christmas pajamas and then we made sleeping arrangements. While growing up, the kids ALWAYS slept in the same room on Christmas Eve. We would drag all of our sleeping stuff into one of our bedrooms and hang out and talk and laugh and anticipate Santa and Christmas morning. We tried the same thing this year. It didn't work so well. We ended up splitting the kids up into different rooms and then the adults stayed up to "help" Santa put gifts together and wrap. Thanks to Weston for putting together Chloe's kitchen (3+ hours) and Beckham's parking garage (1.5 hours).

Beckham has become obsessed with trains. He received this Thomas train and even when he fell asleep, he didn't want to let go. He runs around the house with it and yells, "All abow!" I love it.

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