Monday, January 5, 2009

Snow Day

I know...I know. I am SO belated on this post! In the middle of December it snowed. Seriously snowed. It snowed and snowed and snowed AND it stuck! It was so much fun! We, however, were not prepared for it AT ALL. Poor Beckham. The curse of having a big sister and 2 older aunts. The only real snow gear we could find was either purple or pink!

The day after the big storm (well, it wasn't really THAT big), I took the kids to the park to play in the leftover snow. Chloe ran over to a big pile and got down on her hands and knees and started digging. After a minute I asked her what she was doing. She looked up at me and said, "Mom. I am trying to find the snow seeds!"

Uncle Weston kept making snowballs and throwing them at Chloe. It took her a few minutes to "get" that throwing snow at one another is fun. When she did, she put socks on her hands (no, we didn't have any mittens!) and threw some back!

My little sister, Elizabeth, was happy about the snow because the school district decided to cancel school because of the snow. Seriously??? It was like the city had never seen snow before. Kind of funny, but it was so much fun!

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