The kids were up by 7 a.m..
I love the commotion of Christmas morning.
The laughing and giddiness is contagious.
I told Chloe and Beckham that if they made bad choices that Jasper, our Elf on the Shelf, would take away 1 of their presents...their favorite present. After she was done opening her gifts, Chloe came and whispered in my ear that she had tricked Jasper. She said that she had purposely told him that her favorite gift on her list was a coloring book (when in fact it was a doll house) and that she didn't get one for Christmas.
She fooled him.
Probably the worst gift ever. Beckham L.O.V.E.S. Transformers. He watches the old 80's cartoons on Netflix all of the time. Santa thought that Beck's big gift should be the biggest Bumblebee Transformer made. What Santa failed to think about was the fact that Transformers need to transform. I love this picture because Beckham was confused as to why his Dad couldn't figure out how to put Bumblebee back together again.
This toy is now totally assembled but sits quietly on a shelf until Beckham turns 10 and can transform it himself.
Aunt Amber and Uncle Kyle gave these to Chloe. They had no idea that Santa was bringing an empty doll house that needed some tenants. It was perfect.
Buying anything for my parents is kind of hard. If they want something, they usually just go and get it for themselves. This year, we decided to transfer all of their VHS tapes to DVD.
There were tears.
Mission accomplished.
The rest of the day was spent eating and playing and going to the movies and eating.
ALL done in our jammies...yes, even the movie theater (we looked awesome in all of our "matchiness" if you were wondering...)
I love that Chloe tricked the elf! We love our elf :). Christmas looked like fun!
I love the matching PJs!!
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