Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Chloe's preschool class

Yesterday, we went to the fire station with Chloe's preschool class. I was really excited to go and waited until the morning of the "field trip" to tell Chloe. In the past, I have made the mistake of telling her days or even weeks before a really fun event and then I get asked about a thousand times a day, "Are we going to the party today? Is today the Easter egg hunt? Today is Christmas, right?" To save me the headache and her the disappointment, I waited until yesterday to tell her the fun news! She was SO excited. While I was getting Beckham ready, she ran into her room, got dressed and put her shoes on and ran into my room and said, "Mom! Let's go! We are gonna be late!" We rushed out the door and we were the first ones there. All of the firemen (women...people...whatever...) were out on calls and so we waited for a few minutes for one of the trucks to come back. We started our tour of the station in the garage. Our guide showed us all of the equipment that can be found on all of the trucks. The kids all jumped inside the truck and the fireman turned on all of the lights. He then took us to the lounge area and popped in a fire safety video. I think that most of the tour groups that come through are at least elementary school age and so the attention span of our 2/3 year old group was a little bit shorter than what they are used to. After less than 5 minutes of the video, all of the kids were rolling around on the floor...even Beckham joined in. We collected our fire hats, stickers and coloring books and stopped to take a few pictures with our guide. Chloe talked about her experience for the rest of the day...and actually, all day today as a matter of fact. I should probably count on the same conversation tomorrow. Sometimes I feel like I am living "Groundhog's Day." I don't mind.

Peace out...word to your mother...(?)
Chloe. Always listening.
Jesse and Chloe checking out the inside of the truck

I think Beckham was very upset that the tour was over...


Marleen said...

I was so hoping that we would do this with our preschool too. I loved fire prevention week. Chloe is so cute. Looks like the kids had a great time.

Kara Benson said...

Chloe looks so dang cute but, I know the perfect accessory she is missing.... her new boots! Come and get them:)