When I was 19, my favorite singer in the entire world, Martina McBride, came to Vegas.
I knew all of her songs. I knew how many kids she had (names and ages!). I knew her concert schedule. Okay, I stalked her a little.
Anyway, when I found out she was coming to Vegas I, of course, bought tickets. But her visit to Vegas this time also included a meet and greet CD signing at a local mall.
Seriously? I could meet her in real life???
No question. I cleared my schedule. My Mom and I ran to Tower Records to purchase clean,
in-the-wrapper CDs of her latest album so that it would be perfect for her to sign. We waited in line for our turn. The closer I got, the worse I smelt. Ridiculous amounts of sweat. This person for whom I had become slightly obsessed with was sitting a few feet away from me. I was completely star struck.
When I reached the front of the line and I approached the signing table, I panicked. All of the clever things I had rehearsed to say to her slipped my mind. She asked my name. I told her. My mind raced. I need to say something!
And then it happened.
"Martina, you are such an awesome singer!" I blurted out.
Are you kidding me? You are such an awesome singer??? Did I just say that out loud? As if she didn't already know that.

Fast forward to this past weekend.
As a photographer, I find myself constantly researching other photographers and their work. I have kind of become sort of obsessed with a few of them. One of my favorites is a woman by the name of Cheryl Muhr and I spent this past weekend in Dallas at one of her workshops. She only allows a limited amount of people to attend each workshop and so I felt like I was just hanging out with her. From the moment I saw her, however, I was star struck. She was famous to me. I felt like I knew everything about her (I've got to work on that stalker-ish side of me!). She is amazing. Not just her work, but as a person.
At the end of the workshop, I wanted to thank her and so I approached her and she reached out and gave me a hug. My heart started to race. I wanted to say something. I wanted to thank her. I wanted to praise her. Instead...well...
"Cheryl, you are such an awesome photographer!" I said.
Are you kidding? Is that the best that I could come up with?

Point of the story?
If I ever call you awesome, it's not just some lame attempt at complimenting you. I reserve that word for those who I think are rock stars!
Check out my photography blog to view some of my favorite images from the weekend!