“Love yourself, accept yourself,
forgive yourself, and be good to yourself,
because without you the rest of us are without
a source of many wonderful things.” -Leo F. Buscaglia
“The most important human endeavor is the striving for morality in our actions. Our inner balance and even our existence depend on it. Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to life”
"Gratitude is a mark of a noble soul and a refined character. We like to be around those who are grateful. They tend to brighten all around them. They make others feel better about themselves. They tend to be more humble, more joyful, more likable." -Joseph B. Wirthlin
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain"
"Sin... brings sameness; it shrinks us to addictive appetites and insubordinate impulses. For a brief surging, selfish moment, sin may create the illusion of individuality, but only as in the grunting, galloping Gadarene swine!" (See Matt. 8:28–32.)
Neil A. Maxwell
"Be a woman of Christ. Cherish your esteemed place in the sight of God. He needs you. A woman's abiding trust in God and unfailing devotion to things of the Spirit have always been an anchor when the wind and the waves of life were fiercest" - Jeffrey R. Holland; Ensign Nov. 2005
"Home is the definition of God; a place of infinite power"
Emily Dickinson
"In 3 words I can sum up everything I've learned in life--it goes on." -Robert Frost
"Opportunities are never lost; Someone will take the ones you miss."
"Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not that one has better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on one's ideas, to take a calculated risk- and to act" - Andre Malraux
Make sure the fortune that you seek is the fortune that you need.
- Ben Harper
Women of God can never be like women of the world. The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind. There are enough women who are rude; we need women who are refined. We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need more women of faith. We have enough greed; we need more goodness. We have enough vanity; we need more virtue. We have enough popularity; we need more purity." -Margaret D. Nadauld
Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made. Our times are in his hand who saith, 'A whole I planned, youth shows but half; Trust God: See all, nor be afraid!" - Robert Browning
"The years teach us much the days never knew." --Ralph Waldo Emerson
"to do a common thing, in an uncommon way, brings success." henry heinz
"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power,and magic in it." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt." William Shakespeare
We all want progress, but if you're on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.