Saturday, August 23, 2008

Our Happy Friday!!!

Yesterday was a happy Friday. We had the carpets cleaned in the morning (hallelujah!) and then when Jon got home from work in the afternoon, we headed out to the lake.

Our carpets were looking so bad, in fact, that we started looking at the spots like we look at clouds. We tried to find new shapes with every new spill. It was so dirty that I told people to keep their shoes on in the house instead of taking them off at the door because I was uncertain as to what they would step on. Gross, I know. Now everything is clean and so be prepared to remove your shoes if you come over!

No, that is not the face of is Chloe's dirty hand print that has been hanging out on our stairs for the past 3 months (or longer)...cute but embarrassing!

The lake was just okay. The weather wasn't that great, but Uncle Bobby (Jon's brother) was having major lake withdrawals! The kids and I just swam and the guys rode until it was dark. Chris Larsen came too and showed off his wakeboarding skills from his latest trip to Montana. Bobby landed a 360 (wakeboard terminology!...I am still learning) and Jon landed a couple of barrel rolls (again, another new word for me!).

Chris catching some air!

"Mom, I have crazy hair!" (Chloe's response to this picture)

Beckham taking notes while the guys wakeboard

Bobby being tricky!


the duffsters said...

We got your email about your new blog....very cute! You take very cute pics, you should be a photographer. Ok, well I'm adding you to the list so I can stalk you!

Scarlet said...

I wish that my pictures looked like they were professionally taken:). Oh wait I just put the pictures you take on my blog page! Your family is soooo cute and everytime I see Jon in those shorts it puts me in a good mood (not in any weird ways or anything like that:))

Jas & Cam Fam said...

Yeah! I am so excited you are a blogger now! I loved looking at your pictures and reading what you have been up to.
Is it just me or is Beckham looking more like you? Do you hear that? They are both so cute...Jon too. You can tell him I said that since I now know he likes having his pictures posted! LOL Awesome pictures, and I love the story of Chloe.

Alysia said...

I am so glad that you have a blog now. It is so good to see pictures of your cute family. It looks like you are having a fun summer. I had no idea that you were so good at photgraphy, your pictures are so good and clear. Hope all is well!

Tara said...

I love all you pictures your kids are so freakin cute!!! So you will need to call us when you get into town. If you are not busy we would love to see you guys or you know are place is always open for you to stay!!

melissa said...

holy cow! your kids are sooo stinkin cute! i just read back on a bunch of your posts and it looks like you guys have had a super fun summer! as if i haven't talked to you in eons. lame! it's good to see that you are all doing so well though. :)