Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Our Tiny Dancer

Chloe has always LOVED to dance and thankfully inherited her dad's sense of rhythm (anyone who has seen me try to dance knows why this is such a blessing!). I have been waiting and waiting until she was old enough to start a formal dance class. When she turned 2, I started to research dance studios in the area and settled on a cute studio not far from our home. I signed her up for the 1 hour per week class because the studio time was split up between tap, ballet and tumbling. I thought it would be a good introduction to different dance types and would give her the chance to see if any or all of them would interest her.

I took her out to buy leotards and tights. I took her to a cute dance supply store to get fitted for ballet and tap shoes. I even practiced ballet positions with her using our stair railing as a ballet bar. She was excited. I was excited (I was REALLY excited!). She loves dressing up like princesses on a daily basis, so you can imagine how thrilled she was to put on a leotard and tutu.

We drove to the studio on the first day of class and everything unravelled. Her teacher is SO NICE. Oh my goodness. Crazy nice. She has a sweet little voice and everything. The classroom is fully enclosed with windows for parent observation so I thought that as long as she could see me, she would be okay.

I kissed Chloe and gave her a little push into the room and began watching from the window. She lasted for about 4 minutes and then ran out of the door and came to me. She gave me a hug and then I sent her back in. Another few minutes passed and then she was out the door again. This continued for the entire hour.

Okay. First week of class. Things have got to get better, right? Well, today was lesson #4. Jon came to watch this time. As soon as she saw her daddy, she was ready to rip off the ballet slippers and hang out with him. She cried. He rolled his eyes and looked at me as to say, "Why are we paying for this???" Luckily, he had an appointment and had to leave halfway through the hour. She did finish up her lesson pretty strong, but I am definitely the mom who spends the entire hour apologizing to the teacher and other parents. Hopefully it gets better.

In other news, Beckham began feeding himself today! He is 14 months old and has had NO interest in feeding himself. He definitely has in interest in food, but wants someone else to do the feeding. This probably doesn't seem like a big chore, but because his love for food is beyond that of a normal child, his feedings last FOREVER! He not only eats a lot food, he also likes to take his time tasting the food. Savoring the food. Being "one" with the food. Between bites he even looks as if he is clearing his pallet. It is pretty funny. Anyway, you can imagine my excitement today when he grabbed the spoon during breakfast. Yay! This may free up an hour at breakfast, lunch and dinner!!!


Tara said...

That is so fun!! it's fun to watch our kids grow up. Kenny would have said and done the same thing John did!! Where are you guys moving? When are you guy's coming to UT it sounds like you really like that Tai pan Trading store maybe if you come see us we can do a girls trip there and to dinner will that maybe convince you guys to come see us when you come up?

McKeehan Family said...

Hi Jamie! Your kids are adorable!! Such a cute family!!

Lindsay said...

Jamie! I just found your post on my blog from a little while ago. I'm so sorry I haven't written sooner, but I'm so excited to see your blog. You're family is beautiful! They are the perfect mix of you and Jon! Hope you are doing well!

Rob and Mercedi said...

Rob wants to know where he can pick up some shorts like Jon's in the top pic. Nice legs Jon!

Cassondra said...

Hey Jamie!

It's Cassondra. I found your blog on Scarlet's. Chloe is so dang cute in her ballet outfit!!!! no kidding. She is darling! Where did you sign her up for dance? I'm getting ready to put my girls into something formal too.

I just wanted to tell you that I LOVE the pictures you took of Jesse and Aspen! I didn't know you were a photographer! You're very talented!

Have a great week!

Jas & Cam Fam said...

O.K., I have been playing catch up and had to read all your last few fun! So I have several comments.
First of all, your pictures are beautiful!! Oh my gosh! You are amazing. I love the pictures you picked out. Especially the second one of Chloe...beautiful! How fun!
Second, I love the story about Chloe. So typical of something that would occur at our house. I get so in to whatever it is that is coming up, and build it up how it will all happen and then it goes the complete opposite direction. Just curious, is she taking at SUmmerlin Dance and is her teacher Miss Lorie? It all sounded familiar. We LOVED her and the classes Macy took from her.
Third, I can't believe you just made it to Tai Pan! Is it not incredible? I guess one of the perks about Utah are the many home decor stores. I too agree with everything you said about it. I feel like I could spend an entire day there. I already told Jas that all I want for Christmas is a gift card to Tai Pan.
I will end my novel now! THanks for the comment on my blog. I appreciate the understanding of other moms!

Jas & Cam Fam said...

Sorry, one more thing. What kind of camera do you have and how much did you get it for on ebay? Just wondering. Mine just broke!

Anderson's said...

that is too cute. I have been wanting to put Andi in a dance class-but I fear she would not stay in there without me. The picture of Chloe in her outfit is too cute!