Thursday, September 25, 2008

Climb Up My Apple Tree

My mom and I decided to wake up extra early to take the kids to the Gilcrease Orchard yesterday morning. I just received my new camera on Monday and wanted to try it out in a place that didn't look like a desert. My kids are NOT morning people and either are my little sisters. We took alot of "bootie" shots because of the lack of enthusiasm at 7:00 in the morning. The orchard itself was beautiful! It is such an inexpensive activity and the kids ended up really having a good time. We even picked up some really yummy produce. Chloe was very attracted to anything "baby" apples, baby pears, etc. Whenever I buy grapes at the store, Chloe and I take turns trying to find the "baby grapes" in the bag. She loves miniature things. I don't know, however, if baby apples and pears are going to taste very good...but she was happy! Beckham just spent the morning trying to keep up with the girls...and yes, he was still in his pajamas for our little outing. Like I said...he is NOT a morning person!

Naomi, Chloe and Elizabeth

Chloe admiring her fancy gold shoes. The fancier, the better...even when picking fruit!
Beckham trying to keep up!
Chloe searching for the smallest fruit available!


Rob and Mercedi said...

Great new camera! What kind is it? I love your pictures! I'm glad you guys had a good time. There is nothing better than fresh produce.

Meghan Poort said...

The camera looks great! Looks like you all had a good time... we loved it when we went...

tbyrd said...

Love the pictuers. Your sisters are getting so big. Did Beckham get plenty of fruit to eat while trying to keep up with the girls???

Anderson's said...

I love Gilcrease Farm! Andi still talks about picking apples there. Did you try their Apple Cider? It is really good.

Grace said...

Oh cute pictures! We aren't morning people and I'm impressed that you actually tried to be one day because I wouldn't even try it. I love the close up of Chloe..she's goregous!

the heiner family said...

First of all, Elizabeth is so grown up! I haven't seen her since she was a baby! And second, you are an amazing photographer...I will so want you to take my family's pics when we move back home!

Marleen said...

I was just talking to my sister this morning about going to Gilgrease. Were the pumkins ready? I'm so excited to go this year. It really is pretty. Love the pics you are doing a great job with your photography. You should do the "weekly challenge" on Mindy Miller's site. I love checking in on what all the photographers choose.

Lynt said...

I would love to get together with Jason and Lindsay! Send me their information! My email is You have to call me or email me with their info! You look awesome! Your kids are too die for!!!! I hope to hear from you soon!

Ashley said...

Oh I love these pictures. My favorite is the two girls under the tree (in b&w). It really looks like it should be in a magazine. Thanks so much for taking pictures for us today. I love your photos!! And I love you! `

Scarlet said...

Such cute kids! And I'm sure the camera helps :)!